When wishing to build a properly functioning blacksmith’s hearth, it is advisable to seek advice from the specialists at the Vitcas online shop. It is there that you can also find the right products needed to make a proper hearth. These materials should have a low thermal mass. This will enable them to better accumulate heat and transfer it to the chosen location.
The coal forge cooker should be constructed from materials that are not only resistant to very high temperatures, but also to abrasion or corrosion. The hearth must be adequately protected with special fireproof materials. Note that it must also be able to withstand high pressure and extreme temperatures, so all its components should be approved and certified. They must also be bonded together with a high-temperature preparation such as fireproof glue.
Blacksmith’s hearth – made of super-strong materials
The coal forge cooker must be made in accordance with current standards and regulations. The stand should be safe for both those working in it and those in the vicinity. It must therefore be built using materials that have already been tested for contact with open flames or high pressure. These products must be able to withstand extreme temperatures, up to 1,430 degrees Celsius. One of the elements necessary for a blacksmith’s hearth will certainly be a suitable insulation mat, made, for example, of ceramic fibres, which makes it have low thermal conductivity and is resistant to stretching and high temperatures.
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